Monday, January 31, 2011


Do any of you guys ever feel like you were born at the wrong time?

I feel this way a lot. I love old music- everything from Elvis, Bonnie Tyler, Guns 'n' Roses to Beethoven.

I love keeping my head/ hair covered, as well as my body- even on Halloween, when many girls finally have that excuse to dress as... you know, without worrying about being called out on it.

I would absolutely love to be able to dress in the French fashions in King Henry VIII's time. Those ladies, although they sleep around a lot (according to Showcase) were classy as far as clothes went.

I miss the time when you could easily tell the difference between a man and a woman. Everyone is so androgynous, and I hate having to refer to anybody as an 'it' because I can't tell what they are.

I love a lot of stuff that happened way before my time.

I'm not saying I'd go back to these times. I like that I have rights *which are only valid, it seems, as long as everyone else agrees*. I like that I'm seen as a being who thinks and feels and that I can vote.

I mean, I don't vote (who could you possibly vote for anyway? It's a lose- lose- lose) but I'm glad that I could, if I wanted to.

I'm glad we live in a time where it's not okay for either partner to cheat on their spouse. I'm glad that it's considered a crime to beat your wife. Women's lib has done a lot of good and bad for us as a society. (The bad I'm speaking of is how women's rights somehow have something to do with being very pro- abortion)

But that is another topic entirely.

Have any of you ever felt like you were out of place, like maybe you were born in the wrong time?

1 comment:

Tim said...

I always thought I'd be more at home in the 40's or 50's, when everyone had class. But then, I'm romanticizing it. Women had little rights if any, racism was common, plus I'd probably die in one of those wars. I guess I was meant to be born in this time even though a lot of the current world does feel unfitting.