Monday, January 3, 2011


Well, it's that time again, I suppose.

I didn't really come up with a New Year's Resolution this year. I mean, it's getting incredibly difficult. The only thing I ever want to do is lose weight, and that's what I do during Lent. Over 40 days, I eat next to nothing. I figure Jesus did it in a desert, surely I can do it in the comfort of my apartment.

So I know what to do for Lent. The only difference this year is that I have to be sneaky about it, because the significant other will be all, you know, "eat or else".

I'm going to get back into writing, and possibly drawing more. No sense in my college education going completely to waste.

This next year is going to be a lot of changes for me. Namely, I'm getting married in the summer, going back to school because I love having a huge student loan, and Joseph and I need to start making our own traditions, for when children start appearing.

I say appearing because it's kind of wishful thinking. I am really torn about the whole pregnancy thing. I mean, it doesn't look too horrible, but my fears of weight gain/ stretch marks/ pain are all things I'm going to have to overcome. But not right now. Let's move on before I have a panic attack. =D

So. My goals for the New Years. I'm really quite involved with the church nowadays, so it's going to be a challenge to meet and make friends of my own age. I miss people. Who knew growing up was so... lonely? Not what I expected, to be sure.

I think part of it is the fact that I'm Christian. Jesus wasn't kidding about nobody would want anything to do with you. At least He warns you.

So, new friends. Back to writing and drawing. I'll try to come back to blogging more often, because I've missed this place. Usual weight loss thing... (I lost a few pounds over Christmas! =D And I was eating SO MUCH cheesecake!)

I want to start purchasing dresspants, and more covering shirts. Clothes are too whorish. Whenever I see girls wearing next to nothing, I feel like I'm equally undressed. It's strange. Cover up, girls. That's what ladies do.

I'll need more Hijabi materials. (My mother got me the most lovely scarf for Christmas, plus a leatherbound KJV Bible. If you knew my mother, you would know how significant this is)

I'm glad to be back, guys. =D


Sonya Somers said...

You should definitely write and drar more! So says Sonya!

And um, does your man read your blog? Because he might already know about your sneaky losing weight plans, lol.

Drar? The frig? I meant draw, but drar is much too entertaining to delete.

Anonymous said...

Not much to say, so I'll pass on a tidbit you may already know regarding Lent. 40 days/40 nights is an old Hebrew saying which translates more accurately into "nobody really knows, but it was a while." It isn't literal.

Sachairi said...

Sonya: I do not think Joseph reads my blog. I think I am safe. PS- I miss you. Please start existing again.