Just a little stupid thing I did, featuring Rue and Tobias. Please enjoy.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
War Journal
AN:// Previously on DA, but as I'm trying to move here, and I liked the piece, it's going to be put here. It was originally based on a nightmare I had. This is the story of Rue, in a war he's not in. This is NOT canon. Rated for blood, violence, and gore. It's not specific, but it's also not for the faint of heart. Written from Rue's point of view. Please enjoy.
Thursday, Febuary 27, 2022
Dearest Lieza,
I have finally decided to put this foolish diary you gave me to some use. I'm not
going to call it a diary, though, sounds too... feminine. Perhaps I'll give this to
you after the war is finished. Luckily for you, I write much better than I talk.
Earth is an interesting place, and I hope to see more of it after we're finished here.
I don't think that the war will last very long, we have just as much right to be on this
Dearest Lieza,
I have finally decided to put this foolish diary you gave me to some use. I'm not
going to call it a diary, though, sounds too... feminine. Perhaps I'll give this to
you after the war is finished. Luckily for you, I write much better than I talk.
Earth is an interesting place, and I hope to see more of it after we're finished here.
I don't think that the war will last very long, we have just as much right to be on this
planet as they do, and it won't be long before they see that....
Tuesday, March 12, 2022
It looks like this war wasn't as simple as I previously thought. The Humans took
Tobias to their side. I can't really understand it, he's been with us for years... I realise,
of course, that he's one of Them. I'm glad that you don't have to be here to see this,
and I'm hoping that this will soon be over....
Friday, June 14, 2027
This was supposed to be a simple war. It should've been done in a matter of days,
but things got so blown out of proportion, that I don't think there is an easy way to
get out of this. They've turned this into some sort of Holy War, and call us Satanists.
Tobias had warned us of this, years ago before he left. He said- do you remember?
He said that they would call us pagans and satan worshippers because we can do
magic. He'll be disappointed to know that he was right.
They've changed their colours, the Humans did. They carry around only gold jewelry,
and their banner is red, with a lamb on it. They wear red, purple, and white, and we
both know what that means.
What a bunch of presuming bastards, honestly. Our flag, as you know, is green.
We use sterling silver, as you know, and we wear black (well we're in the mud all
the time anyways) and we chose an animal- the goat. I know, we're almost asking
for it, at this point, but for the love of everything holy...
Monday, June 17, 2027
I went for my mental health check up today. You'll find this interesting- you have to be
sane in order to be on the line, but you have to be crazy to be in this war at all, but
if you're crazy they dismiss you for a little while...
They demoted me to the front lines today, after I checked out as 'normal'. I have
some good news, though- Job was given a short break, so he'll be safe, for the time
Friday, June 22, 2027
I don't feel like myself anymore, I feel numb. I don't think I have in a long time, come
to think of it. I suppose that's what war does to you eventually, I guess.
Wednesday, July 3, 2027
To Miss Lieza Mayfield;
We regret to inform you that Apollo Patmir Neeweb was killed in battle today. We
are very sorry for your loss. If you could see fit to inform his family, as you are
named of next to kin, we would appreciate it. We are unable to send you his remains.
Muraay tin VonTatmos
recieved July 20, 2027
Dearest Lieza;
I imagine you've heard- or are going to hear- about Apollo. He is, in fact, dead.
That would be because I've killed him.
We were out on the field- out of the trenches. Every day, at lunchtime, we are
'permitted' to go out on the field to retrieve our dead. So, we bring out our
wheelbarrows and pile the bodies into it- you can fit about fifteen people into it,
if you pile them right.
We take them to the right side of the field, where there's a mass grave. It stinks
something awful, there's always a huge cloud of bugs flying above it. I dumped
my bodies, and where we were, the bodies were higher than the hole, so Apollo
went further down to dump his. He slipped- on intestine, on brains, who knows-
and fell in. The hole isn't too deep- about 20 feet, 5 feet wide. He fell, and maybe
it was the way he fell, I don't know.
He looked very unnatural, lying there at the bottom. His back curved the wrong way,
he broke it, but he was still alive. Don't ask me how. He's been my closest friend
for years, so I jumped down after him.
I broke his neck. God help me, I did. The others look at me strange, now...
recieved July 23, 2027
Monday, July 8, 2027
I have good news today. Last night, I went out for a leak, and on the far side of the
field, I saw something bright out of the corner of my eye, so I went and investigated.
You'll never guess as to who it was- Tobias! We haven't heard from him in what,
five years?
He was surprisingly happy to see me, considering that we're on opposite sides of
the war. He was trying to sneak in to talk to our leader- he's not very good at it. He's
still very blonde, and very pale, and he had the gall to wear very white clothes in the
middle of the night. I think the war may have affected him, too.
He's leaking us information, now. I was getting high in the ranks, and Tobias' arrival
got me promoted. I guess I'll be able to let you live more comfortably than we
previously thought.
They're gassing us tomorrow, apparently. Tobias says that we need to piss on
some cloths to-
Wednesday, July 10, 2027
We're switching camps today, the graves are completely full, and the battlefield is
something of a marshy... thing. It's been raining nonstop for several days now.
I've told Tobias, and he seems relieved. The Humans are thinking about bombs,
Tobias says bombs are like a magic that kills millions of people. Why would they
use something like that?
Thursday, August 5, 2027
To Miss Lieza Mayfield;
We regret to inform you that Miss Erimenthia Andrea Eleniak was killed in battle
today. We are very sorry for your loss. We would appreciate it if you would notify
the proper authorities, and it will be impossible to give you her remains-
recieved August 17, 2027
Dearest Lieza;
Eria's dead. You'll be glad to know that I had nothing to do with this death, however.
We were out, picking up the bodies like we do everyday, and today it was my turn,
again. I had about nine bodies- and a head- already in my wheelbarrow when I saw
her. She looked as if she had swallowed a grenade, or something. Her torso was
almost completely removed from her pelvis and legs- in fact, the only thing that
held them together was her spine. I picked her up, and continued walking, when I
ran over another body. It happens a lot, you can barely go three steps without
stepping on somebody, and her torso fell from the barrow, breaking her spine in half-
recieved August 13, 2027
Tuesday, August 10, 2027
I'm 27, today. Tobias was over again, his white clothes a bloody mess. He was
shocked that Eria died, and that I never told him about Apollo. There's been so
much death, I guess it slipped my mind. He still feels. I don't think I have anything
left inside me to feel. I wonder if our soul can leave our bodies before we've died.
Sometimes I think that this must have happened to me, sometimes I see it in the
eyes of the other men and women here. Tobias' eyes look dead, too. Perhaps he
reacts just so he can still feel human.
Job has returned- no doubt he's told you, and he looks like everyone else here.
Tuesday, March 12, 2022
It looks like this war wasn't as simple as I previously thought. The Humans took
Tobias to their side. I can't really understand it, he's been with us for years... I realise,
of course, that he's one of Them. I'm glad that you don't have to be here to see this,
and I'm hoping that this will soon be over....
Friday, June 14, 2027
This was supposed to be a simple war. It should've been done in a matter of days,
but things got so blown out of proportion, that I don't think there is an easy way to
get out of this. They've turned this into some sort of Holy War, and call us Satanists.
Tobias had warned us of this, years ago before he left. He said- do you remember?
He said that they would call us pagans and satan worshippers because we can do
magic. He'll be disappointed to know that he was right.
They've changed their colours, the Humans did. They carry around only gold jewelry,
and their banner is red, with a lamb on it. They wear red, purple, and white, and we
both know what that means.
What a bunch of presuming bastards, honestly. Our flag, as you know, is green.
We use sterling silver, as you know, and we wear black (well we're in the mud all
the time anyways) and we chose an animal- the goat. I know, we're almost asking
for it, at this point, but for the love of everything holy...
Monday, June 17, 2027
I went for my mental health check up today. You'll find this interesting- you have to be
sane in order to be on the line, but you have to be crazy to be in this war at all, but
if you're crazy they dismiss you for a little while...
They demoted me to the front lines today, after I checked out as 'normal'. I have
some good news, though- Job was given a short break, so he'll be safe, for the time
Friday, June 22, 2027
I don't feel like myself anymore, I feel numb. I don't think I have in a long time, come
to think of it. I suppose that's what war does to you eventually, I guess.
Wednesday, July 3, 2027
To Miss Lieza Mayfield;
We regret to inform you that Apollo Patmir Neeweb was killed in battle today. We
are very sorry for your loss. If you could see fit to inform his family, as you are
named of next to kin, we would appreciate it. We are unable to send you his remains.
Muraay tin VonTatmos
recieved July 20, 2027
Dearest Lieza;
I imagine you've heard- or are going to hear- about Apollo. He is, in fact, dead.
That would be because I've killed him.
We were out on the field- out of the trenches. Every day, at lunchtime, we are
'permitted' to go out on the field to retrieve our dead. So, we bring out our
wheelbarrows and pile the bodies into it- you can fit about fifteen people into it,
if you pile them right.
We take them to the right side of the field, where there's a mass grave. It stinks
something awful, there's always a huge cloud of bugs flying above it. I dumped
my bodies, and where we were, the bodies were higher than the hole, so Apollo
went further down to dump his. He slipped- on intestine, on brains, who knows-
and fell in. The hole isn't too deep- about 20 feet, 5 feet wide. He fell, and maybe
it was the way he fell, I don't know.
He looked very unnatural, lying there at the bottom. His back curved the wrong way,
he broke it, but he was still alive. Don't ask me how. He's been my closest friend
for years, so I jumped down after him.
I broke his neck. God help me, I did. The others look at me strange, now...
recieved July 23, 2027
Monday, July 8, 2027
I have good news today. Last night, I went out for a leak, and on the far side of the
field, I saw something bright out of the corner of my eye, so I went and investigated.
You'll never guess as to who it was- Tobias! We haven't heard from him in what,
five years?
He was surprisingly happy to see me, considering that we're on opposite sides of
the war. He was trying to sneak in to talk to our leader- he's not very good at it. He's
still very blonde, and very pale, and he had the gall to wear very white clothes in the
middle of the night. I think the war may have affected him, too.
He's leaking us information, now. I was getting high in the ranks, and Tobias' arrival
got me promoted. I guess I'll be able to let you live more comfortably than we
previously thought.
They're gassing us tomorrow, apparently. Tobias says that we need to piss on
some cloths to-
Wednesday, July 10, 2027
We're switching camps today, the graves are completely full, and the battlefield is
something of a marshy... thing. It's been raining nonstop for several days now.
I've told Tobias, and he seems relieved. The Humans are thinking about bombs,
Tobias says bombs are like a magic that kills millions of people. Why would they
use something like that?
Thursday, August 5, 2027
To Miss Lieza Mayfield;
We regret to inform you that Miss Erimenthia Andrea Eleniak was killed in battle
today. We are very sorry for your loss. We would appreciate it if you would notify
the proper authorities, and it will be impossible to give you her remains-
recieved August 17, 2027
Dearest Lieza;
Eria's dead. You'll be glad to know that I had nothing to do with this death, however.
We were out, picking up the bodies like we do everyday, and today it was my turn,
again. I had about nine bodies- and a head- already in my wheelbarrow when I saw
her. She looked as if she had swallowed a grenade, or something. Her torso was
almost completely removed from her pelvis and legs- in fact, the only thing that
held them together was her spine. I picked her up, and continued walking, when I
ran over another body. It happens a lot, you can barely go three steps without
stepping on somebody, and her torso fell from the barrow, breaking her spine in half-
recieved August 13, 2027
Tuesday, August 10, 2027
I'm 27, today. Tobias was over again, his white clothes a bloody mess. He was
shocked that Eria died, and that I never told him about Apollo. There's been so
much death, I guess it slipped my mind. He still feels. I don't think I have anything
left inside me to feel. I wonder if our soul can leave our bodies before we've died.
Sometimes I think that this must have happened to me, sometimes I see it in the
eyes of the other men and women here. Tobias' eyes look dead, too. Perhaps he
reacts just so he can still feel human.
Job has returned- no doubt he's told you, and he looks like everyone else here.
Out of all of us in this platoon, we're the ones that have lasted the longest. All
the other faces keep changing. The Humans really want us off their land- and
I'd like to know why we're still here. We have our own planet, and it's clear
that we're not wanted here.
I miss you, I miss you terribly. I'm not sure I remember what you look like,
I miss you, I miss you terribly. I'm not sure I remember what you look like,
Saturday, August 21, 2027
They've bombed the bunker, a surprise attack that Tobias hadn't been informed of.
I think they must have have known that their information was being leaked.
There's very few of us left. They're burning the fields- it's the middle of the day and
you can't hope to see the sun, it's like a moonless night. They're salting the fields
as well, and what they hope to accomplish is beyond me.
Job thinks that Tobias has betrayed us. He thinks that Tobias had helped plan this
attack on us. I hit him, very hard, and now he lies on the ground beside me. I can't
tell if he's breathing or not.
Tobias came running to us, looking more scared than I ever remember seeing him.
"You have to get out of here," he was saying, but where would we go? We have
nowhere to go. The ships have left.
Sunday, August 22, 2027
Job is alright.
The ground is shaking, like a giant might be coming. Tobias tells me that it's the
Humans- thousands and thousands of Humans, and I'd like to know where
Saturday, August 21, 2027
They've bombed the bunker, a surprise attack that Tobias hadn't been informed of.
I think they must have have known that their information was being leaked.
There's very few of us left. They're burning the fields- it's the middle of the day and
you can't hope to see the sun, it's like a moonless night. They're salting the fields
as well, and what they hope to accomplish is beyond me.
Job thinks that Tobias has betrayed us. He thinks that Tobias had helped plan this
attack on us. I hit him, very hard, and now he lies on the ground beside me. I can't
tell if he's breathing or not.
Tobias came running to us, looking more scared than I ever remember seeing him.
"You have to get out of here," he was saying, but where would we go? We have
nowhere to go. The ships have left.
Sunday, August 22, 2027
Job is alright.
The ground is shaking, like a giant might be coming. Tobias tells me that it's the
Humans- thousands and thousands of Humans, and I'd like to know where
they're all coming from. How is there so many?!
The fire is closing in on us, and even though it's begun to rain, it's not slowing the
fire down.
This is when I notice that Tobias had been shot, he sounds like he's breathing in
water. They call it the death rattle. I sat down next to him, as I know it's going to
be a long time before he dies. He's going to suffocate, going to drown in his own
He was always scared of drowning. He was scared of thunderstorms- (bad omens,
he says) and that's exactly what's happening now. You'll hate me Lieza, for the rest
The fire is closing in on us, and even though it's begun to rain, it's not slowing the
fire down.
This is when I notice that Tobias had been shot, he sounds like he's breathing in
water. They call it the death rattle. I sat down next to him, as I know it's going to
be a long time before he dies. He's going to suffocate, going to drown in his own
He was always scared of drowning. He was scared of thunderstorms- (bad omens,
he says) and that's exactly what's happening now. You'll hate me Lieza, for the rest
of your days, but I did what I had to do. He didn't need to suffer, so I didn't let it
It's raining harder, and the fire is coming in faster, and I see the Humans now,
It's raining harder, and the fire is coming in faster, and I see the Humans now,
even though my eyes burn. Jay can't even stand. I went to tell Tobias that they
were here and remembered that I couldn't. He's still bleeding, the bullet(s) had
been through- and- throughs.
I miss you, Lieza, and-
Not all of this book could be reproduced, as it was badly damaged by fire and water. The editor
seriously doubts the validity of this entire script, as he is clearly a disturbed individual. All the people
within however, do in fact exist:
Job Labino- Honours
Apollo Neeweb- High Honours
Erimenthia Eleniak- Order of the Gods, First Class
Rue Ajidagba- Captain, Order of the Gods, First Class, High Informant
The Human, identified as Tobias James Kinkade, was found with Job's and Rue's bodies.
It has not been proven whose side of the war he was truly on, and is called a Judas among his
people. The Humans recovered his body, mutilated it, and then burnt it. The Nienté High Council
have erected statues in the likenesses of Erimenthia, Rue, and Mr. Kinkade in their honour.
None of this could have been possible without the help of Miss Lieza Mayfield. Our thanks
go to her, and we shall pray for her. May the gods look upon her with favour.
This book also wouldn't have been possible without the generous donations made by:
~Rhiannon Lynne Vander til Amberite, Princess of Amber
~Valesti Odin Nietzsche, Valkyrie
I miss you, Lieza, and-
Not all of this book could be reproduced, as it was badly damaged by fire and water. The editor
seriously doubts the validity of this entire script, as he is clearly a disturbed individual. All the people
within however, do in fact exist:
Job Labino- Honours
Apollo Neeweb- High Honours
Erimenthia Eleniak- Order of the Gods, First Class
Rue Ajidagba- Captain, Order of the Gods, First Class, High Informant
The Human, identified as Tobias James Kinkade, was found with Job's and Rue's bodies.
It has not been proven whose side of the war he was truly on, and is called a Judas among his
people. The Humans recovered his body, mutilated it, and then burnt it. The Nienté High Council
have erected statues in the likenesses of Erimenthia, Rue, and Mr. Kinkade in their honour.
None of this could have been possible without the help of Miss Lieza Mayfield. Our thanks
go to her, and we shall pray for her. May the gods look upon her with favour.
This book also wouldn't have been possible without the generous donations made by:
~Rhiannon Lynne Vander til Amberite, Princess of Amber
~Valesti Odin Nietzsche, Valkyrie
Tobias Doodle
I was going through my old sketchbooks and memorabilia the other night, and found this drawing. It's about four years old, but I thought it was pretty cute, so I put it into photoshop, and... well, here you are. I wanted to try the coloured line thing I've seen, like in Disney movies, but I honestly think that Tobias is too bright to warrant this sort of thing. I was squinting nearly the entire time I was drawing this.
I spent way too much time on this, because I had already finished the line work when I thought, "Hey, maybe the lines should be colour". I think Tobias'd make a really cute plushie. Anyway, please enjoy.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
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