Wednesday, April 9, 2008

fix up

So... this is what happens, I guess, when I get down. I suppose everyone has their own form of 'vent art', and while I understand and enjoy the whole blood and gore scene people seem so fond of... well, there's good reasons I don't vent in that way. So... I tend to use garish and blinding colours, draw half naked men, and make people look like they shop at the Salvation Army. Despite that, though, Tobias is looking much better than he did before I changed the colour theme.
Just letting ya'll know I'm still alive, I guess...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

I'm here nao

I'm not going to like this place, I don't think. It's confusing me, so please bear with me until I catch on. I'll do a better banner the second I can think of something interesting... and here's just a little something I did on Flash a while ago, I thought it might be a good idea to start with an image of some kind...